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Youth Support


Impacts young people face in their lives and within our community and how London Wembley Crime Prevention Team support them through our initiatives, projects and work.


It is important within the home or educational environment that parents, guardians, carers, teaching staff and alike fully recognise the early signs of a young person showing changes in their general attitudes towards everyday life. 

This may take shape in variable forms and happen very quickly without realising such as unwillingness to attend school, truancy, intentional exclusion or suspension from school, change of personal appearance, lack of hygiene, attitude and communication towards others, re-drawal from being around other people and general socialising, unusual behavior and conduct unbecoming of normal, suddenly asking to go out at variable times, refusal to say when going out where their going, whom their going to be with or, even what time they intend returning back home.

Why are these 'signs' important to recognise you ask?

In school, it could mean bullying or intimidation by other students could be taking place.

Outside, it could be mean they are being pressured by others into joining or getting involved within a gang, shoplifting or street robbery. 

Naturally, there could well be other aspects to this which may be linked to an unhappy home situation, arguments, split parenting, peer pressures or alike. 

Either way, 'prevention' and early 'intervention' are 'key' to helping a young person through what may be an extremely traumatic or difficult time in their lifetime. 

London Wembley Crime Prevention Team through it's successful initiatives and projects work towards ensuring the safeguarding of our young people is paramount.

We take considerable pride towards achieving practical mentoring skills and guidance towards ensuring young people feel they can approach us and freely talk in a safe environment with appointed officers from our team over any personal issues.

We in-turn can provide them with the appropriate assistance and guidance they effectively need to support them through.

We also, have and shall use other methods of referral at our disposal such as youth counseling provision through our appointed partnership counselors.

By offering a full 'support network' we can make a significant change and difference to a young persons way of life and prevent them from potential risk of harm or; even more serious situations from inevitably happening.


A quote...

​"Live the Life of Your Dreams.

 When you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes and setbacks along the way.

But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve."

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